Projects phase

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Second projects week, Oct 31 - Nov 04

Seminar, Oct 31, 14:15 h, Software practicals
Presentations (Volume Visualization, Muqarnas Tool)

Wednesday EXCURSION to the film academy
Nov 02, Filmakademie Ludwigsburg

Panorama Ludwigsburg

The regional train this time took us to the baroque city of Ludwigsburg where we visited the film academy. They awaited us around 11:00 h.
Group picture at the entrance
First we got an introduction to the institute by Tina Ohnmacht. She also presented us student works of previous years. Afterwards the current works (works in progress) were shown. Then we got a tour around the location, guided by Volker Heisterberg, a student of the film academy and future "Technical director". He presented us his current projects where he designs software tools for the animators helping to deal with artificial characters. Artificial actor One of the research topics of the animation institute is a realtime actor operating with emotion sliders. His name is Hank, and he was already able to talk to us. But it is still a future goal to make him a character who is able to guide us through a virtual film academy and let him answer our questions.

We finally were shown around the various studios, for example we watched the making of a plasticine movie telling the story of three boys in a suburb playing together for the last time before one of them will leave his friends. We had a look at the robot moving the camera and the digital images that were directly passed to a computer where the recently taken sequence could be watched. Although the film academy is very well equiped with the latest hardware and software, storage of the huge amount of image data still remains a problem. In the studio

After taking a late lunch at the "Blue angle" we still had time in the afternoon and rounded off our trip with a visit of the baroque market place where we climbed the tower of the protestant church. Baroque church

Then we got back to Ludwigsburg train station and return to Heidelberg.

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U 014/U 011